Hello Sunshine! It is great to have you here with me again.
Often, we engage in imagery without even realizing it. Have you ever found yourself imagining how a big game will go or anticipating the flow and outcome of a meeting or conversation? If so, you’ve successfully engaged in mental imagery! But ask yourself, are you focusing on the positive outcomes or dwelling on the negatives?
Your mind is the most powerful tool in your body, and modern psychology has shown that mentally imagining success can actually lead to achieving it. Conversely, visualizing failure can lead to negative outcomes. So, are you using your mind’s power for positive outcomes or negative ones?
Great! You’re ready to start visualizing your success. But where should you begin? Just like any skill, this will take time and practice. Here are a few important things to consider before diving into your mental imagery.
Focused Breathing: Prepare Yourself
Just as you warm up your body before an intense weight room session or a long run, it’s important to prepare your mind for visualization. Find a comfortable space, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Calm your thoughts and bring your attention to your breath.
Setting: Where Are You?
A key to successful visualization is creating a detailed setting. What do you see? Are you in the gym alone or surrounded by teammates? What do you hear? Are people talking, or do you have your headphones in, playing your favorite song? When starting with imagery, your setting doesn’t have to be perfect. Incorporate whatever elements you think will lead you to success.
Perspective: How Do You See Yourself?
There are two main perspectives in imagery: first person and third person. Choose the one that feels right to you!
Goal: What Do You Want to See?
Now that you’re in the right headspace, have a detailed setting, and can clearly see your surroundings, take a moment to envision your success. What specific actions do you want to visualize yourself taking to achieve your goals? Imagine yourself executing each movement with precision and confidence, feeling the satisfaction of accomplishing each step towards success.
Practice makes perfect, so let’s give it a try! Here are a few imagery prompts to develop your skills. Spend at least five minutes on each prompt, focusing on your breathing and immersing yourself in the situation. Answer the questions once you’re done!
Prompt #1 – A Stroll on a Sunny Day
You are outside on a sunny day, taking a stroll through your favorite park or trail. You feel the sun on your skin, followed by a refreshing breeze.
Prompt #2 – Something Smells Good
You are in your room, and suddenly, you smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. You get up, follow the smell, and walk into a smorgasbord of food baked and cooked just for you.
Prompt #3 – Winner Winner!
You and your team are seconds away from winning a championship. Picture yourself at the moment of victory. See the scoreboard showing your winning score, hear the cheers of the crowd, and feel the rush of excitement and pride.
Thank you for visiting, and I hope you found something valuable in this post. Always remember, you are valued and you are enough!
Want more visualization techniques and strategies? Connect with me!
Until the next sunrise,
XOXO ~ Sarah Lauren